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Audio & Sound Ministry
Mission Statement: To assist in the delivery of the worship services and other services as needed through audio and sound. Also, to serve the pastor and congregation by using technology as a means of sharing God's word. Through the aid of the Holy Spirit, it is our responsibility to manage the sound system for various services of the church.

Balm in Gilead Ministry

Mission Statement: The purpose of this ministry is to encourage the Family of Greater Mount Lily to minister to those who are affected by HIV and AIDS.  It is our desire to minister to and demonstrate compassion to individuals and families through prayer, education,  advocacy and service for the healing of this disease in the United States and the World.

Bible Study Ministry
Mission Statement: To explore God's purpose in our lives that follows Jesus Christ that calls for deeper prayer and more fulfilling relationships as well as to obtain knowledge and understand the greater value of the Word.

Building Maintenance Ministry
Mission Statement: The primary purpose is to coordinate, plan and implement the maintenance and upkeep of the church facility.

Choirs' Ministry
Mission Statement: To lead the congregation in worship of God Almighty and to serve as true examples through music, song, and praise. While giving God all the praise all the time.

Christian Education/Sunday School Ministry
Mission Statement: To organize and support educational programs and activities within the Greater Mount Lily Missionary Baptist Church that help children and adults become more knowledgeable followers of Jesus. By the help of Almighty God, every boy, girl, man, and woman will learn and believe that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9- 10.

Church Clerk Ministry
Mission Statement: To ensure that the church's records are maintained and that the business of the church is documented. Equally as important, it is also the responsibility to act as the secretary at church conference and business meetings.

Culinary Ministry
Mission Statement: To prepare healthy, nutritious and great-tasting meals for the church whenever the need presents itself. To make sure all meals are hot, well balanced, delicious and prepared with love.

Deacons Ministry
Mission Statement: To serve as extended arms to the Pastor in matters that will further the growth of the congregation through Jesus Christ. As Deacons, we are passionate to develop a more Christ-like congregation and are committed to the Word of God.

Finance Ministry
Mission Statement: To serve as a vital ministry that works closely with most ministries throughout the church to coordinate and oversee the financial and budgetary needs. As well as to provide good sound financial practices to ensure appropriate checks and balances are in place while handling the finances of the church.

Health and Wellness Ministry
Mission Statement: The GMLMBC Health and Wellness Ministry was birthed to bring awareness to the increasing health-related issues that are prevalent in the lives of the people within the flock of God. The focus is to bring healing, wholeness and deliverance through faith in God and to live by the principles of God's Word.

Hospital Ministry
Mission Statement: To serve as saints that provide loving care and attention to the needs of church members and families that are hospitalized through visitations and spiritual encouragement.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Mission Statement: To help one understand the importance of prayer and develop a personal prayer life. To grow in prayer by getting everyone involved that is willing to lift up the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and enter into his sanctuary with prayer.

Jail and Prison Ministry
Mission Statement: The GMLMBC Jail and Prison Ministry is designed to meet the spiritual need of the men and women who are incarcerated in local jails, state and/or federal prisons. The aim is to share the "Good News of Jesus Christ," provide spiritual guidance through visitations, Bible Studies, and Worship Opportunities. The ministry members endeavor to live by and teach the principles of God' s Word.

Leadership Development Ministry
Mission Statement: The primary purpose of this ministry is to be able to provide more effective leadership through Jesus Christ at Greater Mount Lily Missionary Baptist Church and in society by modeling tools that are equivalent to what thus says the Bible.

Media/Communications Ministry

Mission Statement: The Greater Mount Lily Missionary Baptist Church Media/Communication Ministry strives to compliment and enhance member and community knowledge of the ministerial works of the church through the use of verbal, printed, audio, video, photographic, and Internet elements. We are committed to improving the quality of our church communications and contributing to the growth of the members and community through Jesus Christ. We strongly believe that people are important to God and therefore must be important to the church. Obedience to the Holy Spirit in us will produce Christ's example through us. "Honor and Majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.” Psalm 96:6 (KJV)

Ministers' and Deacons' Wives Ministry
Mission Statement: The GMLMBC Minister's and Deacons' Wives Ministry consists of Born -Again women that primarily serve as helpers to husbands. The members of this ministry assist the Pastor and Deacon Officers by providing for the needs of the flock of God, preparing the Holy Communion, assisting with the Water Baptism and serving as role models and mentors for the girls and young ladies of the Church.

Mission Ministry
Mission Statement: To minister the word of God throughout the community at nursing homes, the elderly, sick and shut-in and to everyone we encounter on a daily basis, informing them that God is alive and Jesus Christ saves those who turn to him for salvation.

Mother's Ministry
Mission Statement: To teach our young women good practices by setting strong examples and living consecrated lives teaching Christian character and domestic responsibilities.

Nursing Home Ministry
Mission Statement: To serve as caring Christians that spread the love and message of Jesus Christ in the nursing home environment by providing support and encouragement. "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25 (KJV)

Recreation Ministry
Mission Statement: Here at Greater Mount Lily Missionary Baptist Church, the recreation ministry is committed to providing activities where we show the love of Christ through Christian fellowship by offering quality recreation programs that meet the needs of the church and the community.

Scholarship Ministry
Mission Statement: Our desire is that each person associated with Greater Mount Lily Missionary Baptist Church either through membership or one of the ministries will come to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be actively involved in the church, will achieve academically and socially at their highest level, and have a community awareness and responsibility.

Seniors Ministry
Mission Statement: To serve as a helpful model to the congregation and fill the needs of older citizens as they journey through life changing spiritual needs. Moreover, it is important to provide opportunities for spiritual growth that support and protect the quality of life and independence of senior citizens. "In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap"Psalm 92:1

Transportation Ministry
Mission Statement: The primary purpose is to coordinate, plan, and implement the maintenance and upkeep of the church vehicles as well as provide safe transport of passengers to and from their destination.

Trustees Ministry
Mission Statement: The primary purpose is to serve as stewards of the church and ensure that the upkeep of the church property is essential. We are involved in all activities of the church and act on situations as they are appointed from God. Through prayer and the aid of the Holy Spirit, we seek to maintain good relationships with all members and ministries within the church.

Ushers Ministry
Mission Statement: To glorify the sanctuary of the Lord by providing a safe, courteous, comfortable and friendly place of worship. To serve as doorkeepers in the church for all worship services.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Mission Statement: To equip our youth for the future. To provide our youth with creative ideas, involvement, and programs that will help them be committed to taking the next spiritual step toward Christ Likeness.



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